Friday, April 25, 2008

Biomes of the World

We are continuing our study of the ecosystems of the earth. Today we are going to research more about the diversity of the various biomes in the world. You will be making an outline of the information provided about each of the different biomes. Have fun!

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Extended Day Activities--The Environment

Welcome to the online extended day activities at Inland Leaders Charter School! We are going to be discussing how we can be more aware of
our environment and the impact that we have on it. Click on the following pictures, in the order that they are listed, to go to the various online activities dealing with the environment.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Grammar Activity

Good morning squirts! :) I won't be in class to today, but you have a great substitute to keep you under control.

For language, you will be starting the day with an online grammar activity (click on the picture to the left to start the activity. During the time you are given (approximately 30 minutes), you are to complete as many of the exercises that you can under the category of "Recognizing Comma Splices And Fused Sentences"). This website has sound, so you can use headphones or you must turn your volume completely off. Those are your only options. Hopefully we won't have any computer glitches today. You will then have some time to individually read your group novels (quietly and on your own). Make sure that, when you are done with the online activities, you shut down your computer and make sure that it gets plugged back into the mobile lab. Andrew, Jason, and Jordan W.....Please make sure the computers are taken up to Mrs. Stanley's class at the normal time.

I expect that you will treat your sub with the utmost respect. I hear that she has a photographic memory and takes really detailed notes................I will be reading every word.

I will see you tomorrow. Don't forget that it is extended day on Friday. I will arrange to have Mr. Gordon come in to listen to your "service project" presentations on Friday.

Make me proud.

.........and Aly and Sierra S.....Leave the poor little lizards alone!

Mr. Burson

Desert Biomes

Click on each picture to go to an online interactive activity on the desert.

After you have completed the other activities, complete this desert survival activity.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Marine Pollution

Click on the following pictures to go to the links regarding marine pollution.

Click on the picture to the left and read the article.

Click on the picture to learn about ocean pollution from cruise ships.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Food Webs

Click on any of the following pictures and you will link with interactive websites dealing with food webs in ecosystems.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Environmental Sciences Online Activity

Click on the picture to the left to link to today's online environmental science activity.