Tuesday, November 6, 2007

My Hero Project

Hola Class!
(In-class Lesson for Wednesday, November 7, 2007)

Before you do anything else today, we are going to logon to the following website and each create an individual account for the "My Hero" website. www.myhero.com/myhero/go/create/register.asp

Once you get to this site, wait for Mr. Burson's instructions on what to do.

After we each set up an individual "My Hero" account, we are going to all go on an online scavenger hunt to find specific information about one of the heroes who we can research at the "My Hero" website. Answer these questions on a separate sheet of paper. Make sure to put a proper heading on your paper. You will need to title your paper "My Hero Scavenger Hunt #1". Also make sure to put your roster number and the date on your paper. After you complete this scavenger hunt and find the following information and have recorded your answers onto your paper, turn in your paper to the "red basket" and then follow the next set of directions on this blog page.

Online Scavenger Hunt
Go to the following location http://www.myhero.com/myhero/hero.asp?hero=einstein
and answer these questions:

#1 When Albert Einstein was 4 years old and sick in bed, what item did his father give him?
#2 What instrument did Albert Einstein play?
#3 How old was Einstein when he studied physics at the university level?
#4 In the second letter that Einstein sent to President Roosevelt in 1945, what did he say?

After you have answered all the questions to the scavenger hunt above, you may follow the directions below:

Today in Language class we will be continuing our work on our "My Hero" projects.
I want you to make sure to read through the following information and follow each of the directions given. We will each be writing a 5-paragraph essay on our heroes that we choose. In order to start this process, you must choose your hero that you will be researching. You can continue your research on your hero at the following sites:



After you have selected your hero, you must begin planning out your essay. This is the general guideline for the structure of your essay:

Paragraph One: This paragraph should be a short introduction to your writing. Look at the following introductions in these examples: Christopher Reeve Rosa Parks Note: You may want to begin your writing by reflecting on some of the heroic qualities (courage, faith, perseverance, hope, humor, adaptability, and/or moral direction) shown by your hero.

Paragraphs Two, Three, and Four: In these paragraphs, you will be discussing your hero in detail. Summarize your hero’s story giving specific details: Who is your hero? Where does your hero live? When did your hero live (if applicable)? How did this hero make a difference? Give any other information you feel necessary to give the reader enough information to understand who this person is and what exactly this person did to be considered a hero. Be sure not to plagiarize. Summarize in your own words.
Paragraph Five: In this paragraph you will wrap things up. Oftentimes, good writers will refer back to their introduction when creating a conclusion. This way, their writing comes full circle. Take a look at some good examples in the “Directory” if you are having trouble.
Add Finishing Touches:
(a) Add at least one image related to your hero.--If it is a family member or someone who you do not have a digital image of, you will need to either scan the picture to upload it or bring your picture in to have it scanned by Mr. B.
(b) Add your credits.
(c) Add at least one link related to your hero.
(d) Add your bibliography.

I look forward to seeing your work on this project.

Mr. Burson

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