Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Never Get the Flu, If You Can Help It........

Hey class!
As you know by now, I won't be in class today. I came down with what seems like the flu last night. If you were wondering what the picture is all about, those are influenza virus cells. Yuck!! My suggestion to you is to never get the flu, if you can help it! :)

You are obviously going to have a sub today. I need you to be on your absolutely best behavior. Demonstrate yourselves as the leaders that you are. I will follow-up with the sub to see how you did.

As for Language today, those who were scheduled to do their book reports will be delayed by at least 1 day. Be prepared to go as early as tomorrow. Hopefully most of the computers are working for you. A few of you will have to be doubled up on the computers. Follow the instructions on this page as closely as you can, and have a good time learning. You will not be working on your My Hero projects today. We will hopefully do that tomorrow.

STEP 1 My Hero Online Scavenger Hunt

Write down these questions on a sheet of paper (You will be turning this in): Make sure your name, date, and roster number are on this paper.

#1 Where was George Washington born, and on what date?

#2 During the French and Indian War, Washington set up a fort called.....

#3 In what year was Washington unanimously voted as commander-in-chief of the Continental Army?

#4 What was the final battle of the American Revolution that George Washington fought in?

#5 What did he do to try to rally his troops during this battle?

#6 Washington claimed to be invulnerable to what?

Click on this link to read about Washington and answer the above questions:

After you are done, turn in your laptop and grab your Language books. You will be reading a story titled "Sweeping Pittsburgh Clean." Your teacher will have the page numbers for that story.

As you are reading, I want you to make entries into the "Guided Reading" section of your reading workshop journal. Use at least 4 different comprehension strategies (i.e., Asking Questions, Making Connections, Summarizing, Visualizing, etc...)

If you are done early, grab your independent reading book and read that silently and make journal entries as you do.

Your teacher today will have directions regarding the rest of today.

Have a great day! Hopefully I will see you tomorrow

HELENA, Will you make sure that all the computers get put away today? Make sure that they are all plugged back in at the end of class. Mr. Osbourne's class needs them at 10:00. Thanks!


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